FPSI_JAN2012_1124090270_rezko dwi putra sumantri


psychology as a science


Psychology as a science
     in psychology is literally Generally Understood as a 'science of life' .. This notion is based on the translation of Greek words: psyche and logos, psyche meaning "soul" or life, or a tool for thinking. while logos means "knowledge" or "to learn about the" psychology is translated as the study of the soul

Historical development of psychology 
    since the time of major philosophers such as Socrates (469-399 bc), Plato (427-347 bc) and Aristotle (348-322 bc) has developed the mental philosophy of trying to provide psychological experiences or discuss the issue of "soul" (body-mind problems) a philosopher who explicitly addresses this issue is Rene Descartes (1596-1650). He views the human being has two elements influence each other, mainly because of the gland in the brain contained pinealis
conscious experience of studying psychology

psychology as a science and the methods used one of human nature is a constant urge to find out what is in their environment, but imperfect human senses, sight and hearing such gullible humans are very limited memory "" urge to know and human limitation "" " "" "scientific method" "' "" "systematic, objectivity, measurement and error" ""


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