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schools and the flow in psychology

Psychology as a science is always evolving, along with the development of school-mashab and new theories are emerging.The theories that emerge usually a criticism of previous theories.Indeed, it should be recognized that the point of view (theory) in psychology nothing is perfect, so as to open opportunities for scientists to provide input or criticism and refinement of existing theories. 
This time, we will discuss several psychological theories.Psychoanalysis, Behaviorism, Humanistic (Holistic), Gestalt Psychology, Positive Psychology, Transpersonal Psychology and Cross Cultural Psychology (Cross Culture Psychology) 
A. Psychoanalysis
One of them figures of psychoanalysis is Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). The original name was Sigismund Freud Scholomo. But since becoming a student of Freud did not want to use that name because the word is formed by Sigismund Sigmund said. Freud was born on May 6, 1856 in Freiberg, Moravia. At that time Moravia was part of Austria-Hungary Empire (now Czechoslovakia). Freud at the age of four were taken to move to Vienna, Austria (Berry, 2001:3). Freud's arrival coincided with the height of the theory of the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin (Hall, 2000:1). 
Psychoanalysis began with Freud doubts of medicine. At that time the medicine believed to cure all diseases, including hysteria that is implicated in Vienna (Freud, trans., 1991:4). The influence of Jean-Martin Charcot, French neurologist, which indicate the presence of psychological factors that lead to doubt Freud's hysteria also supports the medicine (Berry, 2001:15). Since then Freud and Josef Breuer doctors investigating the cause of hysteria. Patients who become the subject of inquiry is Anna O. During the investigation, Freud saw ketidakruntutan statement delivered by Anna O. As there is a split of the personality of Anna O.Investigations that Freud brought to the conclusion that the structure of the human psyche: the id, ego, superego and the unconscious, preconscious, and consciousness.
Freud makes this principle to explain everything that happens in humans, among other dreams. According to Freud, dreams are a form of unconscious impulse distribution. Conscious person often represses his desires. Because it can not be channeled in a conscious state, then the desire to actualize themselves during sleep, when a weak ego control.
In Freud's view, all human behavior is both the outward (muscle movement) and hidden (thoughts) is caused by a previous mental events. There are mental events that we are aware and we do not realize but we can access (preconscious) and there we find difficult to bring to the unconscious (unconscious). In this unconscious mental structures which only two are like an iceberg of our personality, namely:
a. Id, is a local psychic energy, which is only thinking of sheer pleasure.
b. Superego, the moral code and contains the social values ​​that the individual is absorbed from the environment.
c. Ego, is the superintendent of reality.
An example is the following: You are assigned a treasurer to manage the money of 1 billion yen in cash. Id say to you: "Take some of that money, yet no one knows". While the ego says: "Check first, lest there be who knows!". While the superego admonished: "Do not do it!".
In the childhood guess is controlled entirely by the id, and at this stage by Freud called primary process thinking. Children will find a replacement if it does not find that to satisfy their needs (the baby will suck his thumb if you do not get a dot for example).
While the ego will be more developed in childhood and in older adults. Here referred to as the secondary stage of thinking process.Humans are able to delay gratification of desire (attitude to opt out of pocket for the wish to save for example). Although it sometimes appears in adults as a primary attitude thnking process, ie satisfying the desire to find a replacement (kicking the trash can because it was irritated from the boss scolded at work for example).
The first process is the so-called EQ (emotional quotient), while the second is the IQ (intelligence quotient) and the third is the SQ (spiritual quotient).
2. Behaviorism
Stream flow is often dikatkan as life sciences, but it does not matter in life. At the end of the 19th century, Ivan Petrovic Pavlov started psychology experiment that reached its peak in 1940-1950's. Here defined as the science and psychology as science only deals with something that can only be seen and observed. While the 'soul' can not be observed, it is not classified into psychology.
This flow of human beings as machines (homo mechanicus) which can be controlled through a pelaziman behavior (conditioning). The desired attitude trained constantly causing maladaptive behavior or deviant behavior. One example is when Pavlov did experiments on a dog. In front of a hungry dog ​​experiments, Pavlov turned on the lights. The dog does not release saliva. Then a piece of meat placed before him and the dog appeared saliva. Furthermore it continues every time the lights came on then the meat is served. So until a few tries, so every time the lights turned on the dog's saliva is rising even though the meat is not served. In this case the saliva of the dog became conditioned response and a conditioned light stimulus.
Similar experiments conducted on a 11-month-old child with a white rat. Each time the child will then hold a white rat dipukullah with an iron bar so hard that it made him surprised. Once the experiment is repeated continuously so that at a certain level then the child would cry so just look at the white rat. Even after that he became afraid of everything that is furry: rabbits, dogs, clothes and furry Santa Claus mask. 
This is called pelaziman and to treat it we can do what is called a kontrapelaziman (counterconditioning).

3. Humanistic psychologyThis flow appears due to a reaction to the flow of behaviorism and psychoanalysis. The second stream is considered degrading human beings into the same class or lower machine. This flow is called the third school of Psychoanalysis and Behaviorism.One of the leaders of this genre - Abraham Maslow - criticize Freud on to say that Freud is only half the soul to study why it's a pain, rather than examining why the other half lives can stay healthy.One part of the humanistic is logoterapi. Viktor Frankl was a psychotherapist who developed the technique known as logotherapy (logos = meaning). This view is principled:a. Life has meaning, even in the most miserable situation though.b. The main purpose of our life is to find the meaning of life itself.c. We have the freedom to interpret what we do and what we experience even in the face of adversity though.Frankl developed a technique based on the experience of escape from a Nazi concentration camp during World War II, where he experienced and witnessed the tortures in the camp. He saw two different things, that the prisoners who are desperate and the prisoners who have incredible patience and a strong life force. Frankl called this person the freedom to give meaning to his life.Logoterapi is closely associated with the SQ, which can be grouped under the following situations:a. When a person finds themselves (self-discovery). Sa'di (great poet of Iran) grumbling about having lost a pair of shoes in a mosque in Damascus. But in the midst of her irritation, she saw that there was a speaker who speaks with a smile of delight. Then appeared to him that the speaker does not have a pair of legs. Then he suddenly made aware of, that is why he sadly lost his shoe while there are people who can still smile despite losing both legs.b. Meaning arises when a person determine the choice. Life becomes meaningless when one can not choose. For example: someone who is getting good job offers, with large salaries and high position, but he had to move from Yogyakarta to Singapore. On the one hand he gets an abundance of material on the other side but he lost time to hang out with the kids and wife. He wanted the job, but at the same time to his family. Until finally he decided to quit the job and choose to have free time with his family. It was then that he felt the meaning of life.c. When a person feel special, unique and irreplaceable. For example: an ordinary people suddenly visited by the president directly at his home. He felt a tremendous sense of his life and not be replaced by anything. Likewise, when we find someone who can listen to us attentively, so our lives become meaningful.d. When we are faced with a responsible attitude. As the example above, a treasurer is entrusted with the management of cash in a very large number of his own and had refused to wear some of it to satisfy his desire alone. At that time the treasurer has tremendous meaning in his life.e. When we have a situation of transcendence (which brings us to experience the world beyond the physical, beyond joy and sorrow to us, out of ourselves now). Transcendence is a spiritual experience that gives meaning to our lives.4. Gestalt psychologyGestalt psychology originated from the German for describing the configuration or shape of the piece. A gestalt may be a different object from the sum of its parts. All the explanations about the parts of the object will result in loss of gestalt itself. For example, when looking at a rectangle then this can be understood and explained as a rectangular under its entirety and its integrity or identity can not be described as four lines that are perpendicular and connected.Correspondingly, gestalt psychology suggests that the basic premise of the system conceptualized as a phenomenon of psychological events organized, and logical whole. This view explains the psychological integrity of human activity are obvious. According to the gestaltis, at that time to lose the psychology of identity should be analyzed into components or parts that have been there before.Gestalt psychology is a movement that directly challenged the German psychologist Wundt structuralism. The psychology of action gestaltis inherited the tradition of Brentano, Stumpf and academies of Wurzburg in Germany, which seeks to develop an alternative psychological model proposed by reductionistic natural science models and analytics from Wundt.Gestalt movement is more consistent with the main theme in the German philosophy of the mental activity of the system Wundt. Gestalt psychology is based on Kant's theory of thought that says that the organization nativistik mental activity makes individuals interact with their environment in ways typical. So the goal is to investigate the organization gestalt psychology of mental activity and know exactly the characteristics of human-environment interactions.Until 1930, the movement has managed to replace a model gestalt psychology wunditian Germany. However, the success of the movement did not last long because they hitlerisme appearance. So that the movement's leaders to move to America.Gestalt psychology begins and be developed through the writings of three important figures, namely Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Kohler and Kurt Koffka. All three were educated in an exciting intellectual atmosphere of the early 20th century in Germany, and all three fled from the pursuit of nazi and migrated to America.Gestalt psychology in America but did not gain dominance in Germany. This is because the American psychology has evolved through the period and the functionalism of the 1930s is dominated by behaviorism. Therefore, the framework of gestalt psychology is not in line with developments in the United States.5. Transpersonal PsychologyThe word comes from the word transpersonal trans meaning beyond and persona means mask. Etymologically, transpersonal means beyond the visible human image. In other words, transpersonal means beyond a variety of masks used by humans.According to John Davis, transpersonal psychology can be defined as the science that links psychology with spirituality. Transpersonal psychology is one field that integrates psychological concepts, theories and methods of psychology with the spiritual riches of diverse cultures and religions. The core concept of transpersonal psychology is non-duality (nonduality), a knowledge that each part (eg, every human being) is part of the whole universe. Cosmic unification where everything is seen as one entity.Transpersonal psychology beginning with the pioneering studies of health psychology in the 1960's by Abraham Maslow (Kaszaniak, 2002). Development of transpersonal psychology more rapidly again after the publication of the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology in 1969, future disciplines of psychology began to draw attention to the spiritual dimension of man. Research on spiritual phenomena such as peak experience, mystical experience, exctasy, keadaran spiritual, transpersonal experience, actualization and transpersonal experiences were developed. Stream of psychology that focuses on transpersonal studies calling itself the flow of transpersonal psychology and self-proclaimed fourth flow after psychoanalysis, behaviorism, and humanistic. Transpersonal psychology focuses on the forms of human consciousness, particularly the level of awareness of ASCs (Altered States of Consciosness). Since 1969, when the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology published for the first time, Psikology began directing his attention to the spiritual dimension of man. Research conducted to understand the spiritual phenomena such as peak experience, mystical experience, ecstasy, cosmic consciousness, spiritual actualization transpersonal experiences and spiritual intelligence (Zohar, 2000).Transpersonal psychology flow was developed by figures such as humanistic psychology: Abraham Maslow, Antony Sutich, and Charles Tart. So it may be said that the flow is an outgrowth of the humanistic stream. A definition by Shapiro kekemukakan which is a combination of opinion about transpersonal psychology: study of transpersonal psychology that humans possess the highest poitensi, and a dig, understanding, realization of the unity, spirituality, and transcendence of consciousness.According to Maslow's peak experience covering religious experience, plateau, and farthes Reaches of human nature. Hence psychology has not been perfect before refocusing in a spiritual and transpersonal. Maslow writes (in the Zohar, 2000). "I should say also that i Consider Humanistic, Third Force psychology, to be trantitional, a preparation for still higher Fourth Psychology, a transpersonal, transhuman centered in the cosmos rather than in human needs and interest, going beyond humanness, identity, self actualization , and the like ".Transpersonal psychology is more focused on the spiritual aspects of human beings or transcendental. This is what distinguishes the human concept of humanistic psychology with transpersonal psychology. McWaters (in Nusjirwan, 2001) makes a circular diagram in which each circle represents one level of functioning of the human family and the level of human consciousness.Each level of the above shows the level of functionality and level of human consciousness. Circle of 1.2 and 3 respectively represent the physical aspects, emotional aspects and intellectual aspects of the individual inner strength. 4 describes the integration circle of circles 1, 2 and 3 that allow individuals to function harminis on a personal level. The fourth circle is included in the personal man.The next level included in the category of transpersonal human. 5 circles represent aspects of intuition. On this aspect from vague realized that he could perceive without the mediation of the senses (extra sensory perception). 6 circles represent aspects of psychic energy (power bathiniah) in which the individual is clearly appreciate him as having been mentransedir / through sensory awareness and at the same time realizing integrating itself with the energy fields are larger. The psychological phenomena can be experienced at the level of awareness. Circle 7 represents the highest form of appreciation or enlightenment, mystical union, in which a person mentransendir dualintas and integrates with all that exists. Past the seventh level mentioned it, saying the level of potential development in which all levels of internalized simultaneously.The concept of this McWater can explain how a person achieves the quality of self through meditation methods. When someone is in the first phase of the long vigil means he is in the physical world is the knowledge gained from the senses function. An event that will be empirically dipresepsi directly through auditory, visual or other sensory organs, or indirectly as in the phenomenon of imagination, an abstract rational knowledge, knowledge which in part has nothing to do with emotion. If a person deepen a way to see and observe the sides of the beauty, strength, and other privileges which have something, then he has moved from the sensory knowledge into a sense of awe (tadlawuk) which at this stage is the stage of agitation of feeling, here we see that this stage according to the second stage of the emotional McWater. At a later stage, with a vigil aktiitas cognitive delibtkan halted, this is where meditation is very involved in the process of integrating all three components were physical, and intellectual dmosi.Then if the result of integrating a person is transcended in God then someone was going to increase the quality of the personal to the transpersonal. Badri (1989) exemplifies someone who has been on the transpersonal stages of this "human awe of the beauty and majesty of creation and the feeling of a small and contemptible in the middle of the night, he witnessed a nature that God has given to man to be able to see everything in the heavens and on earth so that he can find the creator, his terhada solemn feeling, and to worship Him. Whether out of fear or out of love ". Of expression can be dita see that someone who recognizes that it is the beauty of God's creation then it means he has entered the world of transpersonal.

6. Positive PsychologyPsychology that developed today can be called a negative psychology, because to dwell on the negative side of human beings. Psychology, therefore, at best, only offer therapy for psychiatric problems. In fact, humans do not just want to be free of problems, but also long for happiness. Are there any other kind of psychology to answer these expectations?Martin Seligman, a psychologist expert optimism studies, pioneered a revolution in the field of psychology through the Positive Psychology movement. Contrary to the negative psychology, new science is directing its attention on the positive side of human beings, developing the potential strengths and virtues that led to an authentic and sustainable happiness.In a revolutionary book written by this popular style, Seligman introduces the basic principles of Positive Psychology, the characteristics of authentic happiness, and supporting factors. With practical methods that he put it, you can take advantage of the latest findings of science to measure happiness and develop happiness in your life.Positive psychology is a new branch of psychology that aims summarized in 2000 by Martin Seligman and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi "We believe that positive psychology of human functioning will arise that achieve scientific understanding and effective way to build up develops in individuals, families, and communities. Positive psychology seek" to find and nurture genius and talent ", and" to make normal life more fulfilling, "not only to treat mental illness. This approach has created a lot of interest around the subject, and in 2006 a study at Harvard University entitled" Positive Psychology "to be half of the most popular course of the semester.Some Humanistic Psychologist, like Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, and Erick Fromm mengembangnak involving theory and practice of human happiness. More recently a theory developed by these humanistic psychologists have found empirical support from studies by positive psychologists, although this study has been widely criticized. This theory is more focused on satisfaction with filosofismenya source of religious and humanistic psychology.Psychology is the study of life and human behavior in everyday life. And so far as we know, the field of psychology has always faced things that relate to a person's life, such as the cause of the mentally ill, why people can experience stress, and others. Which is always associated with one's negative side.But we know that this dive was the name of positive psychology, which emphasizes what is right / good to someone, than what is wrong / bad. Previously, psychology is usually always emphasize what is wrong in humans, such as Questions to stress, depression, anxiety and others.That is why, there is a new stream in the world of psychology, and call it a positive psychology. According to Seligman, "Psychology is not just the study of weakness and damage; psychology also is the study of strength and virtue. Treatment not only repair the damaged; treatment also means developing what is best in us. "Mission Seligman is changing the paradigm of psychology, from psychology pathogenic only human to dwell on the shortcomings of positive psychology, which focuses on human strengths.Focuses on the handling of various issues is not new in the world of psychology. From the first, human beings are always seen as problematic. Since the beginning of the emergence of psychological flow (mashab behaviorism), viewed as a human being filled with lots of mechanical problems. Mashab is then seen that there are problems in humans, not to mention with a view of psychoanalysis mashab memories of the past as a cause of suffering that exists today. Whatever it is, the psychology that developed over many years cared more advantages than disadvantages that exist in humans. That is why psychology is to dwell on the problems often cited as a negative psychology.Positive psychology associated with the excavation of positive emotions, like happiness, kindness, humor, love, optimistic, kind, and so forth. Previously, more psychology discuss the pathological and mental disorders are also negative emotions such as anger, hate, disgust, jealousy and so on. In Richard S. Lazarus, noted that positive emotions are usually ignored or not emphasized, it is not clear why the case. Most likely this is because negative emotions are much more visible and have a strong influence on the adaptation and the subjective feeling of comfort than do the positive emotions. For example, when we are angry, then there is a sense of comfort that terlampiaskan, feeling superior, and so forth. There was a study saying that anger is a learned emotion, so he will tend to repeat things that feels comfortable.Positive psychology is not intended to replace or eliminate pain, weakness or disorder (mental), but rather to add to or enrich the repertoire, as well as to understand scientifically about human experience.So basically now we already know that her name of positive psychology, we should transform ourselves little by little. As much as we might better spend our positive emotions than negative emotions we are. Then the result would be positive.7. Cross-Cultural Psychology (Cross Culture Psychology)The word culture is very commonly used in everyday language. Most often associated with understanding the culture of race, nationality or ethnicity. The word culture is also sometimes associated with art, music, traditions, rituals, or the relics of the past. As a theoretical and conceptual entity, culture helps to understand how we behave in a certain group of people and explain the difference. As an abstract concept, is more than just a label, the culture has its own life, he continued to change and grow, as a result of encounters with other cultures, changes in environmental conditions, and sosiodemografis. Culture is a product guided by individuals who are united in a group. Culture becomes binding and internalized individuals who are members of a group, either consciously or unconsciously. In early development, the science of psychology is concerned with culture. Only after the 50's cultural attention. But only in the 70's to the culture is really getting attention. At this time it was believed that culture plays an important role in the psychological aspects of humans. Therefore, the development of psychology that ignores cultural factors kebermaknaannya questionable. Triandis (2002) for example, asserted that social psychology can only be meaningful if done across cultures. It also applies to branches of other psychology.Exactly how the relationship between psychology and culture? Simply Triandis (1994) makes a simple framework how the relationship between culture and social behavior, ecology - the culture - socialization - personality - behavior. Meanwhile, Berry, Segall, Dasen, & Poortinga (1999) developed a framework for understanding how a behavioral and psychological states are formed in different circumstances between cultures. Ecological conditions of the physical environment, geographical conditions, climate, and flora and fauna, together with socio-political environment and the adaptation of biological and cultural adaptations form the basis for behavioral and psychological character. Thirdly it will then bear the influence of ecology, genetics, cultural transmission and cultural learning, which together will give birth to a certain psychological behavior and character.In general, cross-cultural psychological research carried out cross-country or cross-ethnic. This means that a country or an ethnic group is treated as a single culture. From the practical side, it is very useful. Although it also raises the question, whether a state can be treated as a single cultural group if in it there are hundreds of ethnic as well as Indonesia? In that position, the use of the Indonesian national language became the basis for classifying the whole Indonesian people into a single cultural group. In the end there is no rigid categories that can be used to perform cultural grouping. Is it cultural boundaries marked by racial, ethnic, linguistic, or geographical area, all of them can overlap each other or even less relevant.A definition of culture in the context of cross-cultural psychology is needed to the same understanding of what constitutes culture in cross-cultural psychology. Culture as the set of attitudes, values, belifs, and behaviors shared by a group of people, but different for each individual, communicated from one generation to the next (Matsumoto, 1996). Matsumoto definition acceptable because it meets the definition of all the previous debates; culture as an idea, both of which appeared as a behavior or ideas such as values ​​and beliefs, as well as material culture as the product of (massive) and things (Things) who live (active and serve as a guide for the individual members of the group. In addition, these definitions describe that culture is a social construct as well as individual constructs.Cross-cultural psychology is the branch of psychology that (primarily) concerned with the possibility of testing various frontiers of knowledge by studying the people of different cultures. In a narrow sense, cross-cultural research is simply meant to involve partisipasian from different cultural backgrounds and testing of the possibilities of differences between the participants.In broad terms, cross-cultural psychology related to the understanding of what is truth and psychological principles are universal (applicable to all people in all cultures) or distinctive culture (culture spscific, applies to certain people in certain cultures) (Matsumoto , 2004).According Seggal, Dasen, and Poortinga (1990) Cross-cultural psychology is the scientific study of human behavior and its spread, while taking into account the established modes of behavior, and are influenced by social forces and culture. This understanding directs attention to two points, namely the diversity of human behavior in the world, and the link between individual behavior to the cultural context, where the behavior occurs. There are several other definitions (emphasizing some of the complexity), among others:a. According to Triandis, Malpass, and Davidson (1972) Cross-cultural psychology includes the study of a subject matter that originates from two or more cultures, using an equivalent measurement method, to determine the limits that could be the foundation theory of general psychology and the kinds of modification theory necessary in order to become universal.b. According to Brislin, Lonner, and Thorndike, 1973) states that cross-cultural psychology is the empirical study of members of various cultural groups that have had different experiences, which can lead to the differences in behavior can be predicted and significant.c. Triandis (1980) reveals that cross-cultural psychology struggling with a systematic study of behavior and experience as the experience that happens in a different culture, which influenced the culture or the resulting changes in the culture in question.Any definition of each of the above experts, emphasizes certain characteristics, such as the first, which highlighted the key idea is to recognize the causal relationship between culture and behavior. Second, based on the generalized odds (generalizabiliti) of psychological knowledge adopted. The third is more focused introduction to the various types of cultural experiences. Kempat, raising the issue of cultural change and its relationship to individual behavior. Based on the opinions of the experts above, can be drawn a conclusion that the cross-cultural psychology is the psychology of attention to cultural factors, in theory, methods and applications.Sources:Jalaluddin Rakhmat in Danah Zohar, SQ - Spiritual Intelligence Utilizing the integrative and holistic thinking to make sense of life, Mizan, Jakarta, 2000.Noesjirwan, Joesoef. Of 2000. According to the concept of Human Transpersonal Psychology (in Islamic Psychology Methodology). New York: Library Student.Purwanto, Setyo. , 2004. As a Means meditation transcendence. (PI lecture material) are not publishedMisiak, Henryk and Virginia Staudt Sexton, Ph.D. Of 1988. Existential Phenomenology and Humanistic Psychology: A Historical Survey. Bandung: PT ErescoPurwanto, Setyo.2004. Out Hank PI: Formulation Methods Islamic Psychology. (Course Material) is published
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Alfred Adler (humanistic psychology figures)

Adler was the second child younger than 6 and sister. He has a brother named Sigmund. Since small, Adler often compared with his eldest brother abiliti. Adler feel jealous of his brother who sentiasa proud of the achievements. Moreover, Adler was unable to actively strives sepertimana brother, Sigmund because he had been diagnosed with the disease menghidap Pneumonia when the new 5-year-old. Sadly, doctors also endorsed Adler disease is chronic and difficult to treat.According to Adler, is always a problem in social life. The healthy function of not only the love and work, but feel togetherness with others and care for their kesehjateraan. Some important principles in the theory of Adler is as follows:A. Everyone is striving to achieve personal superiority or competence2. Each person develops a plan of life and lifestyle are partly planned and partly made aware or not aware.a. One's lifestyle indicates a consistent approach in many situations.b. The plan was developed based on the selection of a person's life and lead a person to strive for goals achieved3. The quality of a healthy personality is the capacity to achieve a "fellow feeling" or Gemeinschaftgefuhli, which focus on kesehjateraan others. Adler menyebunya social interests.4. Ego is part of the creative spirit. Create a new reality through a process set goals and take on an outcome, called the fictional goals.Inferioriy and SuperiorityHumans are motivated by a lack of motivation, namely to overcome feelings of inferiority and superiority. Thus our behavior is explained by the purpose and will ekspentasi future. Inferiority is to feel weak and do not have the skills to face the task or situation to be resolved. That does not mean inferior to others in a general sense, although there is an element of self with the ability to compare the ability of other people who are more mature and experienced. While the superiority is not better than others, but on an ongoing basis to try to get better, to be closer to the ideal one.
Some special circumstances such as spoiled and rejected, may be able to make a person develop inferiority complex or superiority complex. The two complexes are closely related. Superiority complex always hide or inferior form of compensation. While the superior feeling of inferiority complex hiding. Adler believes that the main motive for every person is to be strong, competent, and creative achievement.Social InterestSocial interest is a concern for other people kesehjateraan sustained throughout life to guide one's behavior. Although born of social interests, but according to Adler is too weak or small to grow by itself. Therefore it becomes the task of mother, who became the first in a child's experience, to develop that potential. If the mother can not help the child to expand his social interest, then the child will likely not have a readiness when faced with problems in their social environment.Social interest in allowing a person to strive to achieve superior in a healthy manner and lack of social interest can lead to maladaptive functions. All failures such as neurotic, psychotic, drunkards, children and other problems caused by lack of social interests they address the issues of work, friendship and sex without having confidence that it can be solved by cooperation. Meaning given in the lives of more personal value. No other people who benefit from the achievement of their goals. The purpose is to feel the superiority of personal success and the only means for themselves. as a healthy human, then at the same time he will strive to achieve superior by helping others achieve their goals.Style of LifeThrough the concept of lifestyle, Adler explains the uniqueness of human beings. Every human being has a purpose, a feeling of inferiority, striving to be superior and can be colored or not colored the pursuit of superiority with social interests. However, every man to do it in a different way. Lifestyle is a unique way of each person in achieving specific goals that have been specified in a particular environment, where people are located. Lifestyle based on a person's meaning of life or give a unique interpretation of one of inferiority, everyone would set their lives transform and reach their ultimate goal and strive to achieve this.

Lifestyles are formed at the age of 4-5 years and not only determined by the intrinsic ability (heredity) and environmental objectives, but rather shaped by the perceptions and interpretations of both. A child is not looking at a situation as such, but rather influenced by prejudice and passion himself.Adler's Typology of PersonalityAdler developed a theory of personality types Based on the degree of social interest and activity one has, the most important thing for Adler is not how people cope with feelings of inferiority, but rather the extent of a person developing a lifestyle that is constructive than destructive. The extent of empathy and social interests of each type.Capacity for empathy is important in life.Here are 4 types on the basis of this typology:A. The Rulling-dominant Type: assertive, aggressive active fdan. He manipulates and deal with life situations and people in it, but combined a high level of activity of social interest primarily to a minimum. Activities carried out can lead to antisocial behavior.2. The Getting-Leaning Type: expect others to make ends meet and support his interest, dependent on others. Is a combination of low social interest and activity levels are low.3. The Avoidant Type: pull out of the problem. Faced with an assignment by way of avoidance. Have a low interest sosail and activity levels are very low.4. The Society Useful Type: This is the healthiest type. Have a realistic assessment of the problems encountered. Has a social orientation, and work with others to confront the task of life. Tingat is a combination of social activity and interest is high.Neurotic Safeguarding StrategiesAll the neurotic create security over self-esteem, such as defense mechanism according to Freud. Security is a protection against self or ego from outside influence, usually interpersonal, threat. There are three protection strategies, namely:A. Excuses or rationalization strategySomeone tried to free himself from the demands of public life by emphasizing the neurotic symptom, neurotic symptoms is used as an excuse to escape from the demands of life that does not show you the best. A person feels safe because of the freedom to not do the best of which is less demanding on the development of self.2. Aggresive Strategiesa. Depreciation: the tendency degrading others so that the person does not appear superior as a threat, has favored self-assessment in conjunction with others. Strategies to achieve superior by making others feel inferior.b. Accusation: unconscious feelings of blaming others for feelings of inferiority and frustration experienced. Lead to direct expression of angerc. Self-accusation: blame themselves for misfortunes suffered. This was done in a way that can attract attention, sympathy or assistance from others.3. Distancing StrategiesProtect themselves by limiting the price of involvement in the life and avoid the challenges that allow the risk of failure.a. Moving backward: the fundamental conflict in which a person wants success and avoid failure. In the end the person is motivated to do nothing or return to the stage of development which reflects the lack of anxiety.b. Standing Still: one does not do anything in a more dramatic extent. He refused to allow the responsibility for the evaluation.Protect themselves from failure by not doing anything.c. Hesitation: it does not create difficulties in self-conscious and also created a way to handle it so it does not become neurotic symptoms. Buy time so that problems do not need to deal with.d. Construction of obstacles: the form of an exception because one sees the problems that may prevent it to show a greater effort so as to protect her dignity.Faulty Life-stylesMaladaptive lifestyle which is the result of three conditions, namely a physical disability, pampered lifestyle and way of life is ignored.Children with physical disabilities tend to have the feeling inadequate in meeting the duties of his life. Understanding of the parents can help children to develop the strength to compensate for that weakness. Spoiled children who fail to develop social interests and fulfill social expectations. He has a need to receive without giving, the child will be little or not do something for others and to manipulate others to satisfy their needs remedy. While the children are neglected can become enemies in the neighborhood and is dominated by the need for revenge.Typical studies of Adler Birth OrderIn line with Adler's attention to the social determinants of personality, he observed that the personality of the firstborn, middle child and youngest son in a family will be different.A. Children FirstAccording to Adler, the first child has a unique position, namely as the only child at a time, and then experienced a shift in status when the second child was born. The first child to get attention initially intact until the fall when his brother was born. These events changed the situation and outlook of the world's first child. When the first child older than 3 years old or more when it has a younger brother, then it will usually feel the hostility and hatred toward his brother.2. Middle ChildCharacteristic of the middle child is ambitious. He was always trying to exceed his brother and tend to rebel or jealousy. But in general it can adapt better.3. Youngest ChildYoungest child is a spoiled child. Just as the eldest child, chances are it will be problem children and adults who become neurotic and unable to adjust.4. Second ChildThe nature of these children are more aggressive compared with selalunya sulong children. He always assisted in many cases and there sentiasa backer behind the same glory-no mother, father or sister or brother. He also had a higher competitiveness and often berlumba dolphins to become a better brother-beradiknya daipada others. The second child may be a self-willed or cuba seen menyerlah than anyone else in any case.5. TwinsOne of the twins than it would be more aggressive, intelligent, and active. Thus, their parents tend to see one of them than is the older brother or brother to the other one. Twins may experience problems identiti uncertainty. Twin pairs are more menyerlah will become chairman and a model for the weaker partner and passive.

Sources: Hall, Calvin S. & Gardner Lindzey. (! 985). Intoduction to Theories of Personality. New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc.

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psychology as a science

Psychology as a science
     in psychology is literally Generally Understood as a 'science of life' .. This notion is based on the translation of Greek words: psyche and logos, psyche meaning "soul" or life, or a tool for thinking. while logos means "knowledge" or "to learn about the" psychology is translated as the study of the soul

Historical development of psychology 
    since the time of major philosophers such as Socrates (469-399 bc), Plato (427-347 bc) and Aristotle (348-322 bc) has developed the mental philosophy of trying to provide psychological experiences or discuss the issue of "soul" (body-mind problems) a philosopher who explicitly addresses this issue is Rene Descartes (1596-1650). He views the human being has two elements influence each other, mainly because of the gland in the brain contained pinealis
conscious experience of studying psychology

psychology as a science and the methods used one of human nature is a constant urge to find out what is in their environment, but imperfect human senses, sight and hearing such gullible humans are very limited memory "" urge to know and human limitation "" " "" "scientific method" "' "" "systematic, objectivity, measurement and error" ""

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Synonym of english

Unit 1
1.            Passive                     = submissive
2.            Seeing                       = considering
3.            Hearing                     = enquiry
4.            Remembering           = detection
5.            Thinking                   = idea
6.            Walking                    = on foot
7.            Speaking                  = interruption
8.            Laughing                  = smiling
9.            Crying                      = lament
10.          Happy                     = glad
11.        Sad                           = gloomy
12.       General                     = universal
13.       Behavior                  = conduct
14.       Attention                  = caution
15.       Mankind                   = person
16.       Remains                   = always
17.       Defined                     = Interpreted
18.       Manifestation           = incarnation
19.       Studies                     = research
20.       Compare                  = rank

Unit 2

1.         Explore                     = investigate, analyze, burrow
2.         Neurosis                   = aberration,abnormality, affliction
3.         Fascinated                = Entranced ,allure, draw
4.         Disturbances            = Disorders,disarrangement,disruption
5.         Diseases                  = ailing, diseased, ill, in pain
6.         Fellowship              = acquaintance, affability, alliance, amity
7.         Insight                    = acumen,comprehension,discernment
8.         Unconscious           = Insensible,comatose, insentient
9.         Id                           = permit,identification,passport
10.       Ego                        = Personality,character self, self-image
11.       Superego:                 = Conscience,integrity,morality
12.       Pleasure                    = Desire,preference,wish
13.       Infancy                     = youth, babyhood, early years
14.       Acquire                     = Get ,gain, attain, procure
15.       Uncovering               = Finding,find out,exposing,exposure
16.       Developed                = Build up,created,progressed,industrialized
17.       Thought                   = Thinking , supposed,  assumed
18.       Lecturer                    = Public speaker ,spokesperson ,tutor

Unit 4

1.          Compliments            = Respects
2.          Opinions                  = estimation
3.          Current                     = present
4.          Perfect                     = ideal
5.          Discovered               = exposed
6.          Process                    = procedure
7.          Discussions             = conference
8.         Suggestions              = statements
9.         Eliminate                 = remove
10.       Sympathized            = identify with
11.       Gradually                 = slowly
12.       Intimidating              = threatening
13.       Naturally                  = obviously
14.       negative                   = unhelpful
15.       observe                     = view
16.       reasons                     = cause
17.       smart                        = intelligent
18.       thoughts                    = judgment
19.       try                            = attempt
20.       Wish                         = want

Unit 5

1.     conscious                 = aware
2.     stealing                     = theft is
3.     purse                       = prize
4.     inability                   = in capability
5.     Reaction                   = response
6.     inactive                    = motionless
7.     poorly                      = badly
8.     pattern                      = augment
9.     exact                        = precise
10.   academic                 = educational
11.   predisposition         = tendency
12.   feature                    = characteristic
13.   depression              = despair
14.   harmless                 = safe
15.   severe                     = harsh
16.   disturb                    = upset
17.   complaint                = grievance
18.   seldom                    = hardly ever
19.   occasionally             = infrequently
20.   recognize                  = know
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