The family that Vicky and Jason grow up in is probably the largest single influence on their development. Were their births planned and welcome? How old were their parents? How well do the personalities of parents and child mesh? Are the parents healty? Are they wealthy or poor? How many people live at home? Influence travels in the other direction too. Children also effect their parent in untold ways, transforming parents day-to-day moods, priorities and plans for the future-even a marriage it self.
Family life for both Vicky and Jason is quite different from what it would have been a century ago, and family life is likely to change even more in the future. A child growing up today is likely to have only one sibling, a mother who works outside the home, and a father who is more involved in his children’s lives than his own father was; and to receive a considerable amount of daily care from non relatives, first in caregiver’s home or day care center and than at preschool. Today’s children have a 40 percent chance of spending part of their childhood with only one parent’s probably the mother and probably because of divorce.
These changes have revolutionized the study of socialization how children learn the behaviors their culture considers appropriate. In the past, most reseacrhes focused on mothers and their children, but now researches are studying the bounds between children and their fathers, their brothers and sisters, their grandparents, and other caregiver’s.
Another fascinating trend in research is the focus on the entire family. How does Ellen and Charles’ marital relationship affect the relationship that each spouse has with Vicky? Do Julia and Jess differently with Jason when either one is alone with him yielded provocative findings. For example, when both parents are parents and talking to each other, they pay less attention to their child. In some families, the spouses closeness to each other detract their ability to be close to their children; in others the parenting experience strengthens the marriage tie. By looking at the family as a unit, we get a fuller picture of the web relationships among family members.
Mesh : menghubungkan
Moods : suasana hati
Personalities : kepribadian
Considerable : banyak/besar
Sibling : saudara
Non realtives : tidak ada hubungan kekerabatan
Caregiver : pengasuh anak
Preschool : masa sebelum sekolah
Childhood : masa anak-anak
Divorce : perceraian, bercerai
Attention : perhatian
Spouse : suami/istri
Detract : mengurangi
Socialization : pemasyarakatan
Behavior : tingkah laku
Tie : mengikat, ikatan
Influence : pengaruh
Probably : mungkin
Century : Abad
Appropriate : Sesuai/tepat
Involved : melibatkan
Researches : penelitian
Bounds : batas
Fascinating : menarik
Entire : keseluruhan
Yielded : menghasilkan
Among : diantara
Exercise 1
Answer the following question
1. 1. Is there any relationship between the family and personality development?
Yes there is. Because family is the first place to develop our personality.
2. 2. What factors influence the children development?
Method of parents educate their children and children environment.
3. 3.What are the roles of parents for their children?
To give their children a good education and help to develop their children personality.
4. 4. What are the differences between the ancient and the recent family life?
The recent family life study of socialization how children learn the behaviors their culture considers appropriate. But, in the past most researches focused on mother, and their children, but now researches are studying the bounds between children and their father, their brothers and sisters, their grandparents, and other caregiver’s.
5. 5.Why can the spouses closeness lessen their ability to be close to children?
Because of when both parents are talking to each other, they pay less attention to their child. It may detract their ability to be close to their children. In others the parenting experience strengthens the marriage tie.